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Directions to Sheffield Eye Imaging Hub

Longley Lane, Sheffield S5 7JN

(Former Sheffield Blood Centre Site)

Using public transport to access the service

There are good public transport links from Sheffield's train station to the hospital for patients or visitors who live outside of Sheffield. You can use this Journey Planner to plan your public transport route to the hospital from the train station.

Bus services

The number 18, 97, 98 buses stop on Longley Hall Road, it’s a 5 minute walk to the Eye Imaging Hub.

H1 Hospital Shuttle Bus Service: The H1 Hospital Shuttle Bus Service is a public bus service running between the Royal Hallamshire and Northern General Hospitals. The service operates between 6am and 6pm, with buses leaving from both the bus turning circle (at the end of B Road) at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital and from the turning circle (outside the Clock Tower) at the Northern General Hospital. The buses run half hourly leaving the termini on the hour and half hour every weekday, with the exception of Bank Holidays. There is no weekend service. The buses travel via Herries Road, Penistone Road, Netherthorpe Road, Western Bank and Glossop Road and will stop, by request, at any stop on the route. The fare for the full journey between the two hospitals is £2.

Car parking

There is a car park on site. Please use the car parking spaces designated for the eye imaging service. 

More information and frequently asked questions

Please download our leaflet here

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